Regeneratus Consulting Regenerate (verb) - bring new and more vigorous life, revive, especially in economic terms
Regeneratus Consulting  Regenerate (verb) - bring new and more vigorous life, revive, especially in economic terms

Expert Witness Services

The primary function of an expert witness is to express an independent expert opinion based on the information provided who will have knowledge or experience of a particular field or discipline beyond that expected of a layman.  That knowledge and experience can be used to act as an expert in court or as an adviser to help formulate a case (or both).  


Regeneratus Consulting is able to make available the banking and legal expertise and experience of Robert Insall to provide such services in relation to a number of fields including:

-  Professional negligence claims in relation to banking/finance; and

- Suitability and appropriateness of commercial banking and lending arrangements.

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